Power options

Create Ultimate Performance powerplan Change, Delete or List powerplan(s).

Current options

  1. Create Ultimate Performance powerplan
    Creates a Ultimate Performance powerplan.
  2. Change active powerplan
    Changes your current powerplan to a other.
  3. Delete a powerplan
    Deletes a powerplan.
  4. List powerplan(s)
    List all the powerplan(s).

How it works

Creating the Ultimate Performance powerplan.

Create Ultimate Performance
powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61

Sets the powerscheme ID in "%scheme%" and then activating it.

Set active powerplan
set /p "scheme=Select power scheme GUID: "
powercfg /setactive "%scheme%"

Sets the powerscheme ID in "%scheme%" and then deleting it.

Delete powerplan
set /p "scheme=Select power scheme GUID: "
powercfg /delete "%scheme%"

Listing the powerplan(s).

List powerplan
powercfg /list