Data output

Now echo the details from the API.

IP information
<?php echo 
  "ISP: " . $isp . "<br>" .
  "IP address: " . $ipaddr . "<br>"

Now echo the location details from the API.

Location data
<?php echo 
  "ZIP code: " . $zip . "<br>" .
  "City: " . $city . "<br>" .
  "Region: " . $region . "<br>" .
  "Country: " . $country . "<br>" .
  "Timezone: " . $timezone . "<br>"

Now use the $location var in the links to create the map links.

Creation links
  $osm = "{$location}#map";
  $gm = "{$location}";
  $am = "{$location}&iaxm=maps";

Now send these links as an "a href".

Map links
  <a href="<?php echo $osm;?> >Open Street Map</a>
  <a href="<?php echo $gm;?> >Google Maps</a>
  <a href="<?php echo $am;?> >Apple Maps</a>